WebCam Images of Jupiter |
22.30UT 15 March 2003 Jupiter showing the Great Red Spot and a shadow transit of Europa. 94 frames stacked from 145 in a 30 second video captured with a Philips Toucam Pro webcam and 2x barlow on an 8" SCT. Frame alignment, selection, stacking and wavelet processing in Registax. Post processing in PSP7: gentle unsharp mask, despeckle, automatic colour balance adjustment to 7347K, gentle automatic colour saturation adjustment, 1% brightness reduction + 1% contrast increase. |
23.02UT 15 March 2003 Jupiter showing the Great Red Spot and Europa. 240 frames stacked from 299 in the a 30 second video captured with a Philips Toucam Pro webcam and 2x barlow on an 8" SCT. Frame alignment, selection, stacking and wavelet processing in Registax. Post processing in PSP7: gentle unsharp mask, despeckle, automatic colour balance adjustment to 7347K, gentle automatic colour saturation adjustment, 1% brightness reduction + 1% contrast increase. |
21.31 - 23.02UT 15 March 2003 Animation of Jupiter showing the rotation of the planet and the motion of Europa and its shadow. 5 frames captured at 21.31, 21.59, 22.30, 22.53 and 23.02UT. Images captured with a Philips Toucam Pro webcam and 2x barlow on an 8" SCT. Frame alignment, selection, stacking and wavelet processing in Registax. Post processing in PSP7. Animation with Ulead GIF animator. |
First light with my own Toucam. Jupiter at f20 with 8"SCT, 640x480 resolution, 5fps, 1/25sec, 10% gain. 37 frames selected in K3CCD; mean combined with 2x resample, default u/s mask 7 + default cit deconvolve 1 in Astrostack; 5% brightness reduction + 5% contrast increase, resampled back to original size and cropped in PainShopPro. Conditions: seeing fair, transparency poor. | ||
Same raw material as for image above but this time processed entirely with Registrax using it's FFT alignment, automatic frame selection (30 frames in this case) and wavelet processing (as opposed to unsharp masking etc). It possibly looks a little over processed but it's brought out much more detail than manual processing and was much quicker and easier. |
Comparison of the above image using manual frame selection, stacking and processing and Registrax to align, autoselect, stack and wavelet process. |
Jupiter 1 Mar 2002 showing Io & shadow. Toucam Pro and 8"SCT f20. 30 sec video captured with Iris at 5fps 1/33s +15% gain, 18 frames selected and aligned with K3CCDTools, averaged with Astrostack with default unsharp mask 7. Slight brightness & contrast strech in PaintshopPro. | ||
Jupiter 1 Mar 2002 showing Io & Great Red Spot. Toucam Pro and 8"SCT f20. 30 sec video captured with Iris at 5fps 1/33s + 25% gain, 40 frames selected with K3CCDTools, aligned & combined with Astrostack with default unsharp mask 8. Slight brightness & contrast strech in PaintshopPro. |
Jupiter 14 Feb 2002 showing Io - GRS was not in view at the time, Toucam Pro at prime focus of 8"SCT f10 with 2x barlow, Video captured with QCfocus at 5fps, 50 sharpest frames selected and summed with Astrovideo, Default unsharp mask 7 and default deconvolution LR 1 with AstroStack. | ||
WebCam First Light 6 February 2002 - Image with Toucam Pro at prime focus of 8" SCT f10 with 2x barlow. 50 frames stacked using AstroStack with unsharp mask 1-3x3sharpen and deconvolve cit1-laplace3x3 . |